Marawan Mansour
5 min readMay 15, 2021


Growth Marketing Process

Growth Mindset

Growth Marketing

There are many people who have a strong interest in learning about Marketing and what it can do for your career growth. Growth marketing is simply the process of utilizing a technical, creative and statistics-driven approach to optimizing the entire customer experience based on quick experimentation to grow a company as cost-effective and fast as possible. Growth marketing focuses on solving customers’ problems or needs through creative problem solving, market segmentation, measurement and analysis, and providing solutions through product innovation. Let us take a look at some key areas of Growth Marketing to better understand what it is and how it affects your career growth.

In this new information age, “Why growth marketing is better than traditional marketing” becomes a very interesting question. Growth has become the buzzword today, as everyone is looking to stay ahead of the competition. Traditional marketing mainly caters to customers who need a product and don’t mind spending big bucks for it. Growth marketing however caters to people who are ready to spend small amounts of money on products that they need. In the current scenario, where people spend their days and nights trying to make a sale, the importance of growth marketing can no longer be denied.

Growth marketing is an approach to drive more profitable customer growth via the advertising of products or services which are usually quite useful to customers but have never been purchased yet. Growth marketing differs from traditional internet marketing, which also provides services which have already been scientifically tested to work well. Traditional internet marketing campaigns do not focus on customer data-driven tactics; instead, they aim at selling products that are already popular. Growth marketing however aims to provide valuable customer data to support customer decision-making. This allows customers to gain more insight as they shop online and use the online tools to compare prices and features of products and services.

A key aspect of a business growth marketing mindset is a strong measurement approach to choosing what works for your client. This includes understanding which type of advertising strategies are more likely to yield results and the most efficient format for reaching your audience. A large emphasis is placed on developing solid relationships with key decision-makers within the organization and implementing and executing new promotional models when it makes sense to do so. Many traditional marketing strategies are also examined closely to determine if they are truly helping the company achieve its goals and how they compare to the company’s growth marketing strategy.

Growth Vs Traditional Marketing — Which Is Better?

The main established major differences between Growth vs. Traditional marketing is all about the “athletic funnel” focus in a consumer’s life path. According to this perspective, Growth Marketing concentrates on creating a long-term career in a particular industry or over a specific level of expertise. The main example is Marketing, where the main objective is to develop new talents. For this reason, the focus is on building the most effective leadership team to take a company forward. Additionally, the organization has an overall goal to become the number one player in its market segment.

The Growth mindset has a key differentiator in that it is based upon a vision and goal to achieve a certain level of success before that goal is achieved. This provides the company with a better strategy than the traditional marketing approach. Many people are looking at the business world as if there were only two major types of people in it; those who are making tons of money and those who are losing their shirt. In reality, many people fall into the second category, which is why the old saying of no pain, no gain is so true. Growth vs traditional marketing are also very much a mindset concept because there is not one single person who is winning for their business, there are many who are trying to get to that winning place.

Growth vs traditional marketing have many examples of people who have both of these approaches. It is quite amazing how both sides operate under the same principles, however when it comes to putting it into practice many companies only try to use Growth marketing techniques. A majority of people are more inclined to do things the traditional way. When we speak of Growth marketing, the main focus is on getting to the top of the ladder by increasing company visibility and market share. By doing this the sales team is able to generate new clients, this leads to another set of individuals who are working on getting new clients and the process just keeps going on. The company eventually reaches a point where all the individuals involved are making huge sums of money with this strategy.

Growth vs traditional marketing is not a very easy question to answer. It depends totally on the type of individual that is going to make the decision as to what type of business they are going to operate. Growth as a concept has been around for ages and was first used in this case type of marketing by marketers who were looking to establish bigger businesses. Now, it is very easy to understand how all of this started when you realize that marketing is basically the same principle, except instead of trying to sell a product or service people are trying to persuade others to buy something. This is where Growth comes into play.

Growth is a wonderful concept because it creates a lot of excitement amongst prospects but does have some restrictions. For starters, traditional marketing is not as restrictive because unlike selling a product or service, there is not a great deal of control that can be exercised over the sale of a client’s time or her money. In that sense Growth vs traditional marketing are really an equal match. There are a few different things that should be kept in mind.

Growth is much easier to establish when you own a company because the definition of that word implies ownership. This means that the company itself has to be properly defined in order to determine whether or not it is successful. A good way to do this is to define each of the key products or services your company offers individually and then see if they are profitable. If they are, you can go on to increase them with Growth.

Growth vs traditional marketing is very dependent upon the individual business owner being able to determine the value of his company to customers. It is very easy for traditional marketing firms to tell someone that their business is great when it is doing very well but when it comes down to actually proving it, they struggle. This is why so many people prefer Growth because they have more control over the process and they can actually make a profit off of the business because of it.

Growth is often thought of as a better option because it is less stressful to a new owner. The problem there is that they have no idea what they are getting into and if they don’t take the time to educate themselves about the entire process then they could end up losing a lot of money. If you aren’t interested in learning yourself then you should probably stick with traditional marketing. Either way, you will be happier in the end and much more successful in the long run.

If you would like to read more please check CXL Institute and learn from the world top marketing leaders

